Source code for gh

import requests
import ipaddress
import yaml
import base64
from github import Github

from config import settings



[docs]def repo_from_callback(callback): full_name = callback.payload()['repository']['full_name'] return Repo(full_name)
[docs]class Milestone: """ Wrapper of pygithub.Milestone.Milestone with cache and convenience methods. Bound to a Repo instance for access to the Github connection (credentials etc). """ def __init__(self, repo, milestone): # FIXME: ensure repo is instance of Repo, and milestone # is instance of pygithub.Milestone.Milestone # Could eventually inherit it? self.repo = repo self._milestone = milestone @property def due_on(self): # return the due date of the milestone return self._milestone.due_on @property def description(self): return self._milestone.description @property def title(self): return self._milestone.title @property def number(self): return self._milestone.number
[docs] def open_tickets(self): found = [] for i in self.repo._repo.get_issues( milestone=self._milestone): found.append(Issue(self.repo, i)) return found
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): self._milestone.edit(self.title, **kwargs)
[docs]class Issue: """ Wrapper of pygithub.Issue.Issue, with cache and convenience methods. """ def __init__(self, repo, gh_issue): self.repo = repo self._issue = gh_issue
[docs] def has_milestone(self): milestone = self._issue.milestone if milestone: return True return False
[docs] def move_to_milestone(self, new_milestone): if not self.repo.milestone_exists(new_milestone): self.repo.create_milestone(new_milestone) m = self.repo.get_milestone(new_milestone) self._issue.edit(milestone=m._milestone)
[docs]class Repo: """ This class is an abstraction over the GitHub repository. It interacts with GitHub as the configured user. Note this is a double-stacked abstraction (it's a wrapper around the PyGithub library, which wraps the GitHub API v3). That makes the code seem a little strange on first reading, however it simplifies mocking in tests at the business logic layer. """ def __init__(self, repo_name): = repo_name self._repo = gh.get_repo(repo_name) self._milestones = None # lazy
[docs] def update_milestones(self): self._milestones = { x.title: Milestone(self._repo, x) for x in self._repo.get_milestones(state='all') }
@property def milestones(self): if not self._milestones: self.update_milestones() return self._milestones
[docs] def upsert_milestone(self, title, **kwargs): milestone = self.milestones.get(title, None) if milestone: milestone.update(**kwargs) else: self.create_milestone(title, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): conf_file = self._repo.get_contents('.gnome.yml') if conf_file: return yaml.load(base64.b64decode(conf_file.content))
[docs] def ensure_milestone_exists(self, milestone_name, description=None, date=None): """ If the repo does not have a milestone with the given name then create one. If description or date parameters are provided, and the milestone is created, then they will be used. If the milestone already exists, and the date or description differ from the ones provided, they will be ignored. This is NOT follow the "upsert" pattern. """ if not self.milestone_exists(milestone_name): self.create_milestone(milestone_name, description=description, date=date)
[docs] def ensure_milestone_has_due_date(self, milestone_name, due_date): """ If the milestone does not have a due date, or if it has a due date that differs from the one provided, then update the due date to the one provided. """ milestone = self.get_milestone(milestone_name) found_due_date = milestone.get_due_date() # FIXME: use propper date comparisons (not strings) if found_due_date != due_date: milestone.set_due_date(due_date)
[docs] def milestone_exists(self, milestone_name): """ Returns True if the milestone exists. """ return milestone_name in self.milestones
[docs] def get_milestone(self, milestone_name, cache=True): """ Returns the milestone with by name (or None) """ if not cache: self.update_milestones() return self.milestones.get(milestone_name, None)
[docs] def create_milestone(self, milestone_name, state='open', description=None, due_on=None): """ If the milestone does not exist, create it. If (optional) date passed in, set that date on the milestone. Dito for description. Otherwise, both empty. Returns the created (or pre-existing) Milestone instance. """ # cast strings to unicode description = f'{description or ""}' milestone_name = u"{}".format(milestone_name) if self.milestone_exists(milestone_name): # FIXME: should we raise an error here, or just log? # FIXME: what to do if dates differ, upsert? return self.get_milestone(milestone_name) # accept due_on as string or if due_on: import datetime # when working, move to head if type(due_on) == type(str("")): #try: due_on = raise Exception(due_on) # DEBUG #except: # # FIXME: what to do if due_on can not be recast? # pass # probably not that, custom exception? self._repo.create_milestone( milestone_name, state=state, description=description, due_on=due_on) else: self._repo.create_milestone( milestone_name, state=state, description=description) return self.get_milestone(milestone_name, cache=False)
[docs]class EventSourceValidator: """ GitHub publishes the address ranges that they make callbacks from. Instances of this class can be used to validate ip addresses, like a kind of dymanic whitelist. """ def __init__(self): self.hook_blocks = None
[docs] def get_hook_blocks(self): """ Fetch the whitelisted addresses blocks published by GitHub (directly, or from cache). """ # FIXME: use network cache service (redis, memcache, etc) # TODO: evaluate use of classmethod cache (singleton pattern)? if self.hook_blocks: return self.hook_blocks hb = requests.get('').json()['hooks'] self.hook_blocks = hb return hb
[docs] def ip_str_is_valid(self, ip_str): """ This function returns true if the IP address (string) passed to it is within the address blocks published by GitHub. """ request_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(ip_str)) if str(request_ip) == '': return True for block in self.get_hook_blocks(): if ipaddress.ip_address(request_ip) in ipaddress.ip_network(block): return True return False