Source code for gnome.plugins.sorting_hat

import sys
import os.path
import json

from import (Milestone, Issue, Repo)
from gnome.policies import Policy

# TODO: this should optionally come from config in .gnome.yml

[docs]class SortingHat(Policy): """ The "Sorting Hat" is a milestone with no due-date, that signifies some sort of ticket grooming/prioritisation process is necessary. The sorting hat is like an in-tray for the person/people responsible for assessing and prioritising tickets. .. code:: gherkin As a software developer I want my auto-gnome to use a sorting hat policy So that my tickets are continuously groomed and prioritised """
[docs] def dispatch_gnome(self): # we only care about issues and milestones headers = self.callback.headers() event = headers['X-GitHub-Event'] if event not in ('issue', 'milestone'): return payload = self.callback.payload() action = payload['action'] if event == 'issue': if action in ('created', 'demilestoned'): # we only care about new issues # or issues that lost their milestones repo = repo_from_event(self.callback) gh_issue = repo.get_issue(payload['issue']) issue = Issue(repo, gh_issue) if action == 'created': if not issue.has_milestone(): repo.ensure_milestone_exists( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE) repo.ensure_milestone_has_due_date( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE, None) issue.move_to_milestone( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE) elif action == 'demilestoned': if issue.is_open(): repo.ensure_milestone_exists( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE) repo.sensure_milestone_has_due_date( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE, None) issue.move_to_milestone( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE) elif event == 'milestone': if action == 'closed': # we only care about milestones as they close repo = repo_from_event(self.callback) gh_milestone = repo.get_milestone(payload['']) milestone = Milestone(repo, gh_milestone) repo.ensure_milestone_exists( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE) repo.sensure_milestone_has_due_date( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE, None) for issue in milestone.get_open_tickets(): issue.move_to_milestone( SORTING_HAT_MILESTONE)
def repo_from_event(callback): # TODO: figure out the Repo constructor paramaters return Repo()