Source code for gnome.plugins.verbose_callback_logging

import sys
import json
from gnome.policies import Policy

[docs]class VerboseCallbackLogging(Policy): """ This policy is very simple, it is primarially used for debugging the ticket gnome itself. As a Gnome user, enabling this policy will achieve nothing because you don't have access to the logs it creates. As a Gnome operator, you may find it useful for debugging but probably not. As a Gnome developer, it serves as a canonical example of how to create a policy to be enacted by the Gnome. That is why there is so much more documentation than code. """
[docs] def dispatch_gnome(self): """ You can consider the "dispatch_gnome" method like "main" method for gnomes. It is the only method every subclass of Policy requires, and is the method invoked in response to callback event from GitHub (if the repo is configured with this policy active). """ print("verbose callback logging enabled", file=sys.stdout) # the inherited constructor creates self.callback callback_payload = self.callback.payload() # all this policy does is log the callback payload to stdout print(json.dumps(callback_payload, sort_keys=True, indent=4), file=sys.stdout)