Source code for policies

import sys
import abc

[docs]class Policy(abc.ABC): # __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta """ Abstract base-class. Inherited by policies that actually do stuff. Don't put this in your `.gnome.yml`, it's ignored. """ def __init__(self, config, callback): self.config = config self.callback = callback # this should probably accept arbitrary kw arguments
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def dispatch_gnome(self): """ The method that does the stuff you want done. This method must be over-ridden in actual policies. """ class AbstractBaseGnomePolicyCanNotBeDispatchedError(Exception): pass raise AbstractBaseGnomePolicyCanNotBeDispatchedError()
# this is where policies are registered from gnome.plugins.verbose_callback_logging import VerboseCallbackLogging from gnome.plugins.sorting_hat import SortingHat from gnome.plugins.propagate_milestones import PropagateMilestones from gnome.plugins.sync_project_milestones import SyncProjectMilestones # TODO: make a decision about case for config MANIFEST = { 'SortingHat': SortingHat, 'VerboseCallbackLogging': VerboseCallbackLogging, 'propagate_milestones': PropagateMilestones, 'SyncProjectMilestones': SyncProjectMilestones }