Source code for util

import json
import sys
import yaml
import os
import requests
import ipaddress
from github import Github
from import Repo

import gnome.policies

# FIXME: DEBUG should be comming from the environment!!!


# FIXME: elaborate on list of forbidden policy names
# "Policy" is the abstract base class defined in
# We should probably prohibit all the __builtins__ and other python
# reserved words, becuase havok.
# we must be extra careful because of eval

# FIXME: use a cache (all over the place)

[docs]class InvalidPayloadJSONError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Config(object): """ Config is generated from the .gnome.yml file that is found in the root of a repository that is a source of GitHub callback events. The .gnome.yml file is retrieved, parsed and validated. Then, the get_activities() method can be used to instantiate policy objects for everything that was configured in the repo. """ def __init__(self, callback): self.callback = callback self.payload = callback.payload() self._yaml = None
[docs] def get_yaml(self): if self._yaml: return self._yaml repo_fullname = self.payload['repository']['full_name'] self._yaml = Repo(repo_fullname).get_config() return self._yaml
[docs] def get_activities(self): """ This is the magic method. It processes the config (from .gnome.yml) and instantiates the policies, which are presumably dispatched. """ activities = [] bad_news = [] if not self.yaml_is_valid(): # FIXME: figure out what to do without valid config raise Exception("debug this please") # FIXME: maybe nicer if get_yaml returned parsed yaml # rather than string (and be named differently) parsed_yml = self.get_yaml() for policy_name in parsed_yml['policies']: if policy_name in FORBIDDEN_POLICY_NAMES: bad_news.append((policy_name, "forbidden")) elif policy_name not in gnome.policies.MANIFEST.keys(): bad_news.append((policy_name, "not found")) else: policy_class = gnome.policies.MANIFEST.get(policy_name, None) activities.append(policy_class(self, self.callback)) if len(bad_news) > 0: # FIXME: do something smarter with bad news # maybe a BadNewsProcessor, that makes information # available to the repo owner/subscriber. msg = "BAD NEWS: {}".format(bad_news) print(msg, file=sys.stdout) return activities
[docs] def yaml_is_valid(self): parsed_yml = self.get_yaml() if 'policies' not in parsed_yml: if DEBUG: msg = "policies not in parsed yaml" print(msg, file=sys.stdout) print(parsed_yml, file=sys.stdout) return False return True
[docs]class CallbackEvent(object): """ CallbackEvent is an abstraction over the raw flask request object. It provides convenience methods for validation and payload access. """ def __init__(self, request): self.request = request self._payload=None
[docs] def payload(self): # try the fast way if self._payload: return self._payload # then try the slow way data = try: payload=json.loads(data) self._payload = payload return payload except json.JSONDecodeError: raise InvalidPayloadJSONError()
[docs] def headers(self): headers = {} for k in GITHUB_SPECIAL_HEADERS: try: headers[k]=self.request.headers.get(k) except: pass return headers
[docs] def is_valid(self): headers = self.headers() for h in GITHUB_SPECIAL_HEADERS: if h not in headers: return False # FIXME: unit-test coverage for callback validation required try: p = self.payload() if not 'repository' in p: if DEBUG: msg = "payload does not contain a repository" print(msg, file=sys.stdout) print(json.dumps(p, indent=4), file=sys.stdout) return False repo_data = p['repository'] if 'full_name' not in repo_data: if DEBUG: msg = "repo_data does not have a full_name" print(msg, file=sys.stdout) print(json.dumps(repo_data, indent=4), file=sys.stdout) return False return True except InvalidPayloadJSONError: return False